Awareness of an accidental masterpiece

I hypothesize that the best feeling on earth

Is waking up, resignedly accepting reality

Refusing the urge to burrow through blankets

Preparing to face the day ahead

But instead you glance to the clock,

finding red numbers winking at you in the darkness:

4 hours until sunrise

And those few hours of sleep and rest 

(usual, unnoticed, mundane)

Become a prized possession, a secret inside joke with the universe

Arriving without expectation, without need -

A gift

I wonder if love were like that

If we held onto that, that person closely as we cling to our pillow

Awareness of an accidental masterpiece -

Thank you for unfolding

I wonder if life were like that

If we lived each day like our last

Not entitled to the next morning

But smiling as we drowsily observe our alarm clock

Grateful for a few more hours of sleep


Music on the Walls


If We’d Never Met