
Oh darling

I know how hard it when you look outside your window

At the falling ash

And you see people walking through it

No reaction

They stare at the ground

But you do not need to combust too

You are not expected to set the world on fire

Even though it feels like a smoke signal

Is what it will take for them to see your pain

You are not expected to drown in the hopes of fixing this messed up world you were born into

Burned into

But you can still be a catalyst

The rate at which this world changes is slow

The rate people change at, even slower

But you are lowing the bar they must step over to see you

You are decreasing the energy they must exert to do something

To get out of bed and fight instead of flail

So ignite them without fail

You will burn and be made whole again

But never let your fury devour you in flames

Because you are just one person
So catalyze a world of people


Tree of Life