adjective (latin)
symmetrical, consonant, beautiful, elegant

An artistic blog inspired by the scientific and mathematical beauty of the universe.

Poetry Celeste Roselli Poetry Celeste Roselli


You are not expected to set the world on fire

Even though it feels like a smoke signal

Is what it will take for them to see your pain

You are not expected to drown in the hopes of fixing this messed up world you were born into

Burned into

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Music on the Walls
Prose Celeste Roselli Prose Celeste Roselli

Music on the Walls

At 1am, one is not usually awake, creating a collage, or reading through sheet music. I, however, was doing all three.

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Spiraled Scripture
Poetry Celeste Roselli Poetry Celeste Roselli

Spiraled Scripture

And not just leaves, my face proportioned!

Faith is fickle, math is certain

Trace the curves of shells on beaches

Pastors talk, but cell shape preaches

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